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The issue in France

The impoverishment of agricultural land in France is a reality that has become both undeniable and unavoidable. The decline in soil fertility, the result of decades of an intensive agricultural model implemented during the post-war years, has also resulted in the rapid disappearance of biodiversity and wooded landscapes. In addition to this worrying situation, there is a growing demand from industrialists and consumers for a French organic dried fruit production, in opposition to an almond mainly from the United States, which is not very respectful of the environment and biodiversity, and which was at the origin of the disappearance of our national production during the 70’s (growth of the American production combined with the suppression of taxes on imports).

Our answer: Amandera SAS

Our new project Amandera aims to bring back the production of agroecological organic dried fruit in France. One of its main goals it to work on farmland from decades of monoculture and transform it into living ecosystems, stimulating for biodiversity, efficient in carbon sequestration and optimizing water needs. Two orchards of 22ha of almond trees and 24ha of hazelnut trees were planted in February 2019, the first one a few kilometers from Aix en Provence, the second one in the Lot et Garonne near the town of Duras. In the next 4 years, Amandera aims to develop 400 hectares of agro-ecological dried fruits. Almonds from Provence and hazelnuts from Lot et Garonne will be the main productions. These sustainable orchards are part of a process of restoring disappeared agricultural landscapes and anticipate the climatic crisis to come. This establishment in the heart of historically producing territories contributes to local development and to the creation of French industries.

Our track record

Our orchards follow the principles of regenerative agriculture and are monitored regularly to demonstrate how our farming practices will ultimately increase the resilience of the plantations, including:
With the return of earthworms, a tenfold increase in plant diversity, a reduction in water requirements, and a restructuring of the soil surface, we can see that the initial degradation phenomenon has been reversed in the space of two years, thus demonstrating that nothing is irreversible.

Our partners

Pistache en Provence
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